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Your contribution

This part of the site will gather all the participants' contributions. Your contributions will be accessible :

What am I supposed to do here ?


Write some words about methodological guide
                       participants contributions
                       possible subjects
                       possible form (article, experience sharing, BD, video, etc.)

What should I write about ?


As a reminder, here is the list of contributions as discussed all together at the end of your Heterotopia tours. You can also decide to join some other participant to write collectively on some subject.

How do I proceed ?

  • In the list of contributions you should find your name with the subject you chose to work on.
  • In the last column of the table in front of your name, you will find a link pointing to a non existing page. When you want to start writing your article, just click on it
  • then click on “Create this page” button.
  • Start writing and save when you want to leave.
  • Your article's page is now created, next time you visit to update the article, click on the link in the list of contributions and click on “Edit this page”.
  • When you've finished, send an email to XXX@XXX to say you finished your homework and receive a medal :)

All the versions are kept (each time you click on “save”) so nothing is lost and you can go back to a previous version when needed.

You can also write on your computer and then copy/paste the content here in the wiki when you're satisfied if you prefer, but remind to use the Formatting Syntax for titles, links, lists, etc.

If you decide to do collaborative writing in real time you can use an etherpad or any other similar tool and then paste the content here.

Contributions by topics :

Community living

Eco Building

Eco Farming


Decision Making

Facilitation tools

contributions/start.1508258677.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/01 15:35 (external edit)