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guide:implementation:activities [2018/11/16 16:47]
Caroline [Informal work sessions alongside practitioners]
guide:implementation:activities [2019/05/20 18:08] (current)
Marina [Priority to face-to-face meetings and direct interactions]
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 That's why we decided to give space in our Tours to **several encounters with social entrepreneurs** from **various fields of action**, ethics and beliefs. We trust that those **face-to-face meetings and direct interactions** will have an impact on the participants,​ and in the power conveyed by **honest sharing** between people on the topic of social change. ​ That's why we decided to give space in our Tours to **several encounters with social entrepreneurs** from **various fields of action**, ethics and beliefs. We trust that those **face-to-face meetings and direct interactions** will have an impact on the participants,​ and in the power conveyed by **honest sharing** between people on the topic of social change. ​
-{{:​guide:​implementation:​heterotopiesc4pbl-8.jpg?​direct&​250|}} +{{:​guide:​implementation:​heterotopiesc4pbl-8.jpg?​direct&​200|}} 
-{{:​guide:​implementation:​heterotopiesc4pbl-104.jpg?​direct&​250|}} +{{:​guide:​implementation:​heterotopiesc4pbl-104.jpg?​direct&​200|}} 
 We believe that **unique personas**, **passionate presentations** and **exciting life stories** will **inspire** the participants and can significantly enrich their experience in the short, mid and long term. That's why we first recommend you **take time to find the right people**, with stories to tell, knowledge to share and the will to do it **with a group of people without a specific background** (cf. Chapter 3. "//​[[guide:​resources|Which resources do we need to implement a Heterotopia Tour?​]]//"​). ​ We believe that **unique personas**, **passionate presentations** and **exciting life stories** will **inspire** the participants and can significantly enrich their experience in the short, mid and long term. That's why we first recommend you **take time to find the right people**, with stories to tell, knowledge to share and the will to do it **with a group of people without a specific background** (cf. Chapter 3. "//​[[guide:​resources|Which resources do we need to implement a Heterotopia Tour?​]]//"​). ​
guide/implementation/activities.1542383269.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/16 16:47 by Caroline