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guide:implementation:evaluation [2018/11/02 18:05]
Caroline [A Matrix to stay the course]
guide:implementation:evaluation [2018/11/05 15:55] (current)
Cecilia [Tools to take the scope of one's learnings]
Line 56: Line 56:
 [[guide:​implementation:​evaluation:​tools_and_methods2|Reflecting on one's learning path with the Travel Diary and the Hero's Journey]] [[guide:​implementation:​evaluation:​tools_and_methods2|Reflecting on one's learning path with the Travel Diary and the Hero's Journey]]
 +[[guide:​implementation:​security|{{ :​guide:​fleche.jpg?​50|}}]] ​
guide/implementation/evaluation.1541178333.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/11/02 18:05 by Caroline