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Methodological guide


We believe in learning by doing, travelling to expand awareness and efectiveness towards the Change we would like to activate within the realities that surrounds us.

In the process of acomplishment of this M.G, we were inspired by the deep need to reflect on how a Heterotopia Tour making of process is and on the know how that it demands to implement it, in the diferent countries realities and learning from each experience to improve the next.

Our intention was to clarify this colective co-creation process as a common useful tool that can inspire more people and contribute to help individuals, colectives and organizations to co*create similar or not projects, personal change evolving to colective change.

comunity living - ecological awareness - social inovation are the big topics that are developped in

Radical Flexibility, brutal honesty, less is More are key words that are transversal to all the projects implemented and nourishes our.Colective co-creation and tapping into colective inteligence

Being Present ! Artful Participation! Sharing is Caring! Caring is Sharing! Zoom In Zoom Out! Emotional inteligence within the group dynamics of a good comunication & information flow, giving & sharing to deepen the adressing to diferent needs & feelings & everyone feels satisfied, listen & with space to express themselves.

in the making of this guide, the inspirational millestone was a manual where reflections and explaining intense as tool a colective effort towards similar needs , natural from the times we are living at this moment in the Planet. need shared by all

Table of contents

guide/start.1539618717.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/15 17:51 by Susana