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Welcome to Ideals In Action's Wiki

This site is an experimental tool for us to work together on the outputs of Ideal's in action project. We hope you will find your way, but if you don't try the hotline hotline so we can guide you. So let's start !!!

Some words about the tool :

So this is a wikidoku site that will allow us to create a sort of Wikipedia of our project. Ok it is not so ambitious but if we manage, it will look a bit like it.

How is it organize ?

So the general sitemap is quite simple, we have just create it 2 big “libraries”, one is for the articles about the tours and an other one is for the methodological guide. And then, for the fun we invite you to contribute on an eterotopian filmography. So that is it.

How can you contribute?

From this page you can click on the 2 propositions depending on what you want to write about. Then follow the lists to arrive on the right page for your contribution. Let your mind fill the blank space. You can make a first draft save it and continue later, show them to your friends, send them to one of eterotopians friends so it can complete it… feel free to share it and create they way you want. When you have finished, send a smiley to the Via brach'girls !

Ready? Steady ? GO………..

If you want to surf, go this way.

start.1507566173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/01 15:35 (external edit)