The Heterotopia Tour is an intense human experience for several aspects such us the collective dimension about living, the multicultural gathering of people, the living condition totally away from your(?) daily life.

The collective dimension, asked you to be open to find a balance between your individual needs and the group’s necessities. Encourage positive and constructive group dynamics, is functional to obtain this balance without forcing. What joins different people from different countries, with far backgrounds, ages, cultures, origins and living conditions is the need to belong to a community, to join a group with shared objectives, common values, goals/purposes, interests, rules, projects, language, and the willingness to make things change and to take action.

So, people(the participant/the actors) can put their ego aside for the collective’s good and in this prospective sharing knowledge, ideas, point of view , developing the sense of reciprocity in practical and mental actions/attitudes. In this sense thanks to the listening to each other, you can overcome your limits and fears for the other and the unknown, in the name of acquiring the courage and the joy of discovering the difference and new horizons. In this way the Heterotopia Tour can becomes a chance to re-learn how to listen, respect and supporting not only to the other, but even to oneself, and so a chance that gives you the possibility to conquer, build and refine your own identity. The group creates opportunities for members to express themselves honestly, through freedom of speech, smooth and open communication between members; all the participants respects your opinion, your way of living, your limits and allows you to trust in the other and to feel in security and comfortable emotional zone.

Participants of Heterotopia tour are responsible for their group dynamic. They have to imagine creative and non-formal ways to interact with each other, enhancing their practical intelligence and their skills in the areas of group facilitation, mediation and communication. The Heterotopia Tour is designed as an inclusive learning experience which impacts a person at several levels, so that she can become a key player in the change she wants to witness for herself and for the society she takes part in, while respecting ecosystems and human dignity.

Schillaci Simona