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Heterotopia as it was elaborated by philosopher Michel Foucault is a concept in human geography to describe places and spaces that function in non-hegemonic conditions. So, can Heterotopia be or it is just a Utopia?

A place like this was something that we were tasked to construct in our staying at Faros, Portugal. And so, we did. In these hard times, we live in, and as the refugee flows tend to grow bigger and bigger so does the need for shelter and alternative communities. So, the need for eco, sustainable, and natural construction is imperative. Imagine then a community in which we all knew how to build our shelters using material provided in the area or the season.

This was one of the main purposes of Heterotopia program. For urban people to gather informations and technical expertise on constructing these eco-communities. As the urban lifestyle is prefabricated in some ways to be nothing else but the copy of some other big city living, where all our needs from food to shelter can be purchased in shops, these communities are the answer to somebody looking for a way out.

testimonies/portugal/konstantino.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/08 18:50 by Clement